Easter traditions in Finland

(Image: Vastavalo/Soili Jussila/ Visit Finland)

The joy of spring is eternal. There is something undeniably stirring about the renewal of nature around us. Spring in Finland is a joyful time, and with the spring comes the arrival of Eastertide and its many traditions.

Easter is the most important feast day for Orthodox Christians. It is also marked with reverence by Evangelical Lutherans, the religious faith which is dominant in Finland.

Traditional Easter Foods

Food is an integral part of Easter celebrations.

Roast lamb is a traditional Easter dish and is usually served on Easter Sunday. Boiled eggs and chicken dishes also feature prominently on Easter menus.

Additionally, there are always sweet treats at the table. Mämmi, a malt-based pudding served with cream and sugar, is probably the most well-known. You either love it or hate it, as it tends to be an acquired taste. 

The Orthodox tradition brings sweet dishes such as pasha, kulitsa and baba, and children wait eagerly for Fazer’s Mignon chocolate eggs: a real eggshell filled with the finest chocolate.

Little Witches

Virvon varvon, tuoreeks terveeks, tulevaks vuodeks; vitsa sulle, palkka mulle!”

These are the words you might hear when answering your door on Palm Sunday or sometimes on Easter Saturday.

Little girls dressed as witches go from door-to-door and will offer up this blessing in exchange for a sweet treat, a tradition which originated in Finland’s pagan days.

Children also plant grass seeds in small jars and wait expectantly for the seedlings to sprout, a signal that spring has finally arrived.